Featured Articles

Essentials for Your Amazon Partnership Agreement

Partnership agreements aren’t required by law. If you don’t have a written partnership agreement, the laws of your state will prevail, and you’ll be obligated to follow them.


Record Keeping for Freelancers

Good records are important for monitoring the progress of your business


Business Travel Expenses

More personal time is deductible on business trips than one may think, so take advantage of the opportunity to visit family and friends and see the sights!


The Accountant with the Soul of an Artist

When Gary Eisenkraft was writing and playing music in the 1970’s he never imagined that his artistic gift would become a professional advantage. Eisenkraft was smart and gained valuable experience over the years. But without a vision and a marketing strategy to achieve it, he had become just another talented CPA whose book of business didn’t begin to match his potential


Studio Management by the Numbers

Many studios have effective design and marketing processes. However, cost accounting and financial analysis are often seat-of-the pants endeavors or done using marginally effective methods. In this article I discuss the financial feedback you need to manage, build and expand your firm and profit from your work.


How to Survive and Prosper During an Economic Banana

Back when Jimmy Carter was president, his anti-inflation czar, Alfred Kahn, was chastised for his excessive frankness when he spoke about a possible recession. Therefore, he was strictly instructed by the White House not “to utter the ‘R-word’” in Congressional testimony he was about to give. When asked by Representatives whether the economy was in a recession, he replied faithfully that he could not say that, but that it was in his view in

"a banana." Bruce MacEwen


Better Safe than Sorry

Recently, New York State created an interagency strike force to “address the problem of employers who inappropriately classify employees as independent contractors.” The Joint Enforcement Strike Force includes staff from the Department of Labor, the Attorney General’s Office, the Department of Taxation and Finance, the Workers’ Compensation Board and the New York City Comptroller’s office.


How to boost cash flow

Cash is a design tool. Without it, exciting product design can’t happen. With all best intentions you strive to pay your employees, vendors and landlord promptly.
